
Purchase or renew your RehabACTion membership for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card at Fall Conference!
You do not need to be present to win

If you are interested in serving on the RehabACTion board, contact 

Visit the Current Board page for more information on why to get involved with RehabACTion and serving on the board!

The South Dakota RehabACTion Network is an organization composed of community professionals, private professionals, educators, families, persons with disabilities, as well as friends and businesses in the area, working in a combined effort to make a positive impact in the public Vocational Rehabilitation program.

We are a network of individuals in the community that showcases results of contributions made by employment specialists, vocational rehabilitation counselors, evaluators, teachers, rehab technicians, therapists, adjustment specialists, secretaries, trainers, and many other selfless, hard-working individuals who have committed their time, effort and expertise to helping persons with disabilities gain back independence through quality vocational rehabilitation services.

We are committed to helping as many individuals (with mental or physical disabilities) in South Dakota get the support they need to get them back on their feet and move forward in a more positive, productive light. Medical and mental disabilities are not the end of the road, but are stepping-stones you need to get past to get to the path you want to take. With the help of the hard-working professionals behind The South Dakota RehabACTion Network, people with mental and physical disabilities can have a better chance at a brighter future. 

If you or someone you know is in need of vocational rehabilitation to help obtain the skills, attitudes, resources, and expectations to land and keep a good job, there's only one name to keep in mind to get the help you need - South Dakota RehabACTion.